Annual Smart Freight Centre Airline ESG Survey


Smart Freight Centre’s Airline ESG Survey aims to aid companies purchasing airfreight services in their procurement process by offering insights on emissions data as well as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts across the airline industry. The standardized, peer-reviewed reporting template and methodology of the survey produce results offering a valuable basis of decision-making for shippers, Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) and others when choosing an airline suitable for their transportation needs. Furthermore, the consolidated results of the survey can be used to support the development or revision of their own sustainability strategies and targets.

Ultimately, SFC’s Airline ESG Survey is a tool designed to foster sustainability by promoting transparency and encouraging continuous improvement of sustainability practices within the airlines industry as well as along the value chain. At the same time, it simplifies procurement processes by standardizing the exchange of relevant sustainability data.

How does the survey work?

Customers of air freight services request airlines to use SFC’s Airline ESG Survey to report on their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions performance and other sustainability criteria. These airlines then use our standardized, peer-reviewed reporting template to report their emissions and sustainability measures in a unified and streamlined way.

By submitting the completed survey form before October 18, 2024, airlines make sure their answers will be part of our consolidated report containing all answers sent to us within the deadline. This consolidated report will be made available exclusively to SFC’s non-airline membership, including a wide range of globally active shippers and LSPs. Airlines can also use their own filled-out survey form as a standardized report to share with any stakeholders who wish to use such information for their scope 3 emissions reporting.

In addition to this, selected data will be aggregated to create a benchmarking report on sustainability efforts within the aviation industry. This report will not contain any airline’s individual survey responses, but rather industry averages derived from the entirety of responses as well as evaluations in an illustrative form (diagrams, etc.). It will be made publicly available via the SFC website. Airlines can use this report as an indication of how their own sustainability efforts compare within the industry.

In order to map trends and make progress visible, the survey will be conducted annually. Airlines that have taken part in the survey before will be asked to update their answers on a yearly basis.

Download the survey form below and join us in our mission to enhance ESG practices across the board.

Download Survey

Instructions for airlines

  • Download the survey form here.

  • Fill out all required fields with accurate and up-to-date information. Should you have any questions while filling out the survey, please send us an e-mail to and we’ll happily assist you.

  • Receive an overview of how your own sustainability efforts fare compared to other airlines, allowing you to benchmark your own sustainability efforts. Please note that we will not provide airlines with their competitors’ individual survey answers. A consolidation of survey answers will be exclusively shared with the non-airline membership of Smart Freight Centre’s Clean Air Transport Program.

Instructions for Airline partners

  • Contact the airlines you are (interested in) doing business with and request them to complete the Smart Freight Centre Airline ESG Survey.

  • Refer your person of contact to this website or provide them with the survey form, which can be downloaded here.

  • Ask them to submit the completed survey before October 18th, 2024.

  • Receive the completed survey form directly from the airlines you requested to fill out the form and/or as a member of Smart Freight Centre, receive the consolidated answers of all airlines that have taken part in the survey for your own review and comparison. If you are not yet a member of SFC, but would like to benefit from SFC’s many offerings, please contact for more information on membership.

Benefits for different stakeholders


  • Are able to present their services to a wide audience of customers and potential new customers interested in purchasing sustainable airfreight solutions
  • Can enhance their reputation by showcasing their ESG efforts
  • Gain insights into industry standards and developments
  • Receive an industry-wide benchmark of their own sustainability performance
  • Use the benchmarking as a basis for further development of their sustainability measures

Airline Partners

  • Receive consolidated information on airlines’ sustainability efforts supporting them in making more informed choices
  • Are presented with a consolidated overview of the most important sustainability criteria regarding air freight
  • Can increase their reputation with clients by selecting the most sustainable airlines
  • Gain insights into industry standards and developments
  • Are supported in their development and revision of realistic (science-based) sustainability targets and strategies

Survey Timeline

August 20th, 2024 - Release of 2024 Airline ESG Survey

2024 Airline ESG Survey will be released online.

October 18th, 2024 - Deadline for survey completion and submission.

By completing and submitting the survey by this date, you allow us to compile and analyze the data in a timely manner and make sure your data will be part of the consolidated report as well as the benchmarking report.

November 2024 – Release of consolidated report

As soon as all the answers have been collected from the airlines and compiled in a single document, they will be shared with SFC’s non-airline membership.

January 2025 – Release of benchmarking report

The benchmarking report will contain industry averages and insightful evaluations derived from the entirety of data gathered from the survey (however no individual airline’s data). It will be released to the public via this website. Participating airlines will receive the benchmarking report automatically to the e-mail address used to submit their answers.

May 2025 - Release of 2025 Airline ESG Survey

The 2025 Airline ESG Survey will be released.

How will the results be used?

The data gathered from this survey will be consolidated and shared with SFC’s non-airline membership, offering them a comprehensive report on the current state of ESG practices within the airline industry.

Further, data derived from answers for selected questions will be aggregated to derive industry averages and insights, which will be made publicly available in the form of a benchmarking report. Participating airlines will receive a copy of this report, enabling them to compare selected answers of their own with industry averages derived from the survey. Individual data from airlines will not be shared with other airlines (neither other participating airlines nor airlines within SFC’s membership) or the public.

Need help?

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us at
