Data Access for Logistics Emissions

Improving access to reliable data from logistics suppliers

More than 100 multinationals are now using the GLEC Framework to calculate and report logistics emissions across the multi-modal supply chain. However, only 23% of companies that are using the GLEC Framework were reporting their logistics greenhouse gas emissions publicly in 2021.

A key reason is that many shippers and LSPs have difficulties getting access to reliable data from their suppliers (carriers). Many carriers lack resources to collect this data, often because their fuel and transport management systems don’t track all the required parameters or their IT systems aren’t connected. Imagine if the IT systems of different stakeholders were better connected and included the right parameters to support emission calculation software so that data collection, exchange and emissions calculation could be carried out in a more seamless way. If this would be supplemented with a common and neutral data exchange model, sharing the necessary data between carriers, LSPs, shippers and other users would be much easier.

The Data Access for Logistics Emissions Accounting and Reporting (“Data Access”) project aims to support shippers, LSPs and carriers by improving data access, exchange and IT integration. The project started in January 2021 and is carried out as a project under the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) that is managed by Smart Freight Centre.

Download Data Access Guidance

What has this project delivered?

Phase 1: Exchange of IT systems and logistics GHG emission data

The review presented the current inclusion status of the parameters needed to calculate logistics GHG emissions in the main IT systems used by the project partners: fuel management systems (FMS), transport management systems (TMS), and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The Insights’ paper identified 5 key insights and challenges to exchange data across the supply chain. A copy can be found here.

Phase 2: Development Logistics Emissions Data Exchange Guidelines and associated data exchange protocol

These guidelines, together with the data exchange protocol (Data Model), define what information should be exchanged and in what format for all use cases regarding emissions accounting. It provides suggestions on how to gain trust and setup the required assurance processes. The protocol defines what parameters should be gathered by the different actors in the supply chain and shared between different IT systems (FMS, TMS, ERP, etc.), to subsequently calculate emissions in conformance with the GLEC Framework.

The protocol outlines the steps to implement these guidelines while considering the needs of shippers, LSPs, carriers and IT solution providers. Thereby delivering a neutral approach to exchange data that meets different market needs. It supports the data exchange between carriers and their customers individually, as arranged through logistics procurement contracts. In addition, the protocol could also be used to facilitate the direct data transfer in a network of interoperable logistics platforms at other levels, e.g. green freight programs, commercial data management systems and national energy and emission reporting systems (e.g. EU Energy Directive). To summarize, the guidance can be used as a starting point when companies set up their systems for exchange of information for the declaration of GHG emissions.

Phase 3: Test cases of the data model and a revised guidance.

The case studies stress-tested the Data Model by using it in different contexts and proved its applicability in the industry. In addition, through the last phase of this project, the model got exposed to varying stakeholders via online and hybrid workshops and feedback was collected for the improvement of its technical specifications. As a result, there is a new improved Guidance published alongside a revised data model to support organizations with updating their data structures for emissions calculation and reporting in logistics.

Company Benefits

  • Guidelines on logistics GHG variables integration in IT systems that work for you as a carrier, shipper or IT solutions provider
  • As a carrier, LSP or shipper: increase access to reliable data needed to calculate and report your logistics emissions, which help inform decisions that reduce fuel use and emissions
  • As an IT solutions provider: make GHG emissions transparency a unique value proposition to your customers.
  • Support data collection required by governments, investors and others to disclose auditable emissions

Interested in other Digitalization projects?

Smart Freight Centre offers two additional digitalization projects that your organization might benefit from:

iLEAP - Integrating Logistics Emissions and PCFs

The iLEAP project aims to facilitate emission transparency throughout the logistics supply chain, with a particular focus on assisting shippers in their decarbonization efforts. By gaining visibility into the logistics component of their product carbon footprint, shippers can make informed choices to reduce emissions and enhance sustainability.

Get involved!

To find out more information about this project, please get in contact with :

Violetta Matzoros at, or

Gabriela Rubio Domingo at

Violetta Matzoros
Violetta Matzoros

Technical Manager

Gabriela Rubio Domingo
Gabriela Rubio Domingo

Jr. Technical Manager
