Fleet Electrification Coalition

What is FEC?

The Fleet Electrification Coalition (FEC) empowers companies to decarbonize their road freight operations faster through collective action. Our main objective is to enable 30% zero-emission truck sales by 2030 and 100% by 2040 globally.

The Fleet Electrification Coalition is a project within the Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance, and partners closely with CALSTART in North America.

We address the key challenges hindering widespread electric vehicle (EV) adoption:

  • Vehicle Availability & Affordability: FEC unites leading companies, creating combined demand that incentivizes manufacturers to prioritize production and offer competitive pricing for electric trucks.
  • Charging Infrastructure: We work with stakeholders throughout the supply chain to accelerate the development and deployment of a robust network of charging infrastructure, ensuring convenient and reliable charging solutions.
  • Financing Solutions: FEC connects participants with innovative financing options, making the transition to EVs more accessible than ever before.

What can FEC members do?

electric-truck (4)


They gain faster access to electric trucks by supporting an adequate ramp-up of production volumes.



They can contribute to the development of a comprehensive charging infrastructure network.



They can unlock innovative financing solutions to streamline the transition to electric fleets.

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Fleet Electrification Coalition benefits

Leadership in Decarbonization

Become a leader in sustainability efforts by accelerating your transition to electric vehicles.

Securing Electric Trucks

Improve access to a reliable supply of e-trucks in a growing market.

Charging Infrastructure Solutions

Work collaboratively to ensure the development of a robust charging network.

Innovative Financing

Unlock new financing models through partnerships with other members.

Cutting-Edge Knowledge

Benefit from expert research, analysis, and guidance on fleet electrification.

Best Practice Sharing

Learn from the experiences and successes of other fleets.

Pilot Project Participation

Be at the forefront of innovation by participating in groundbreaking pilot projects.

Four FEC workstreams

These four workstreams aim to achieve concrete, actionable results.

Demand aggregation

The FEC eTruck demand aggregation aims to aggregate the demand for e-Truck for a range of use cases. General aggregation of eTruck demand serves to send intelligent market signals to key stakeholders in the supply chain: OEMs, CPOs, financing companies, etc. The demand signal will be further strengthened by firming up demand as much as possible towards deployment commitments. Demand aggregation is the foundation underneath all FEC workstreams and pilot projects.

Download the report on the first round of the demand aggregation survey here

FEC survey 1 report

The demand aggregation survey forms an important basis for many of our activities. Please fill in the second demand aggregation survey here:

FEC Demand aggregation survey.


Shaping the necessary rollout of charging infrastructure is an essential enabler for e-truck adoption. To ensure infrastructure will be in place to accommodate e-trucks, the Fleet Electrification Coalition aims its focus on shared and public charging. The shared charging working group is a collaborative effort aimed at developing stations at logistics hotspots, with knowledge disseminated along the path towards the development of  a scalable proof of concept. The FEC supports public charging, along transport corridors, by bottom-up demand analysis and stakeholder collaboration. 

Shared charging

Aggregate data from participating companies to inform developers of public charging infrastructure to support their roll-out strategies and collaboratively develop solutions for shared charging stations. The ever-evolving landscape of transportation, the significance of robust charging infrastructure for road freight cannot be overstated. Research and guidance in this realm propels us towards cleaner, greener logistics solutions, fostering innovation, reducing environmental impact, and paving the way for a seamlessly connected, electrified road freight industry.

Shared charging workstream pdf

FEC Shared charging outline

Guidelines - Charging Infrastructure for Truck Depots - Co-authored by Smart Freight Centre and Technical University of Denmark

This guide provides information and guidance to companies owning and operating private truck depots and aims at supporting better and more informed decisions on investing in charging solutions.

Guidelines - Charging Infrastructure for Truck Depots

Open-source CHALET Tool - Authored by Amazon

CHALET, which stands for Charging Location for Electric Trucks, helps private industry, governments, electricity network operators, and local authorities determine where electric charging points for heavy goods vehicles should be built.

Actionable Framework for E-Trucks and Charging - Authored by Sophie Punte, Board of Directors, Smart Freight Centre

Governments and companies need help to translate their commitments into concrete climate action. This Actionable Framework for electric trucks and charging infrastructure helps organize the transition in 10 success factors (‘what’) and 30 steps (‘how’), together with 9 stakeholder groups (‘who’), backed by real-world insights and evidence.

Actionable Framework for E-Trucks and Charging

Public charging

Battery electric truck adoption hesitancy is two-fold – carriers lack the assurance that they can find adequate public charging, and charge point operators lack the utilization required for investments to make financial sense. The Fleet Electrification Coalition seeks to address this “chicken-or-egg” problem byway of our Accelerating Public Charging project. Via in-depth corridor profiling, data collection, and collaboration with key stakeholders, we will align expected battery electric truck flows with adequate infrastructure build-out. The APC project therefore enables infrastructure location optimization via this bottom-up approach. The APC project, spanning the year of 2024, will produce deployment priorities for charging infrastructure.

See the document below to understand more about the wotrk we are doing on public charging

Public charging pdf

If this workstream is of interest to your company, please contact Samuel Barendregt:


Financing solutions

The financing solutions workstream aims to collaboratively identify and develop innovative financing solutions that lower the entry barriers towards fleet electrification by companies with limited access to capital. The work stream will seek close collaboration with key actors from the financial sector.

EV corridor project in Europe

One of the markets of possible interest for this project is Poland. The goal is to connect the largest road freight market in Europe for e-trucks with Germany.

Fill out this short survey to help us understand the relevance of such a project:

FEC Quick Poll.

Guidance work

The Road Freight Electrification Guidance works towards helping fleet owners and freight buyers to better understand where and when electrification should be applied, based on solid research, a tested decision-making approach, and through real-life examples from around the world.

Road Freight Electrification Guidance work

To understand more about what was done in the guidance workstream last year visit the project page:

Road Freight Electrification Guidance

If you are interested in the guidance work contact Tharsis Teoh at

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FEC Pilot Projects

The Fleet Electrification Coalition is dedicated to creating focused pilot projects designed to empower FEC members with actionable strategies, fostering tangible impact and driving meaningful change.

Port Drayage project for the Port of Rotterdam

An overview of this project can be found here

Port drayage project outline

If your company transports goods through the Port of Rotterdam we would like to involve you in this high-impact project. Contact Ruben van Doorn


Fleet Electrification Coalition Events 2024

Past events

Fleet Electrification Coalition meeting

31 January - Online meeting

RILA Retail Supply Chain conference

25-28 February - Dallas, USA

EPRI Electrification 2024

12-14 March- Savannah, USA

Fleet Electrification Coalition meeting

20 March - Online meeting

Transforming Transportation

22 March - Washington D.C., USA

Smart Freight Week

23-25 April - Amsterdam, Netherlands

International Transport Forum Summit

20-24 May - Leipzig, Germany

ACT Expo

20-23 May- Las Vegas, USA

Amazon FAST forward

26-27th June - Barcelona, Spain

Fleet Electrification Coalition meeting - Long haul eTrucking now? In 2024?

19th of June - Online meeting

Fleet Electrification Coalition meeting: Second Life of E-Truck Batteries for Sustainable Logistics

24th of June - Online meeting

Future events

In person events

IAA Transportation

18th of September - Hannover, Germany

Climate Week New York

22-29 September - New York, USA

Register here

Smart Freight Fall Meeting

Date and location to be confirmed

Online events

Fleet Electrification Coalition meeting

Week 1 September (tbc)- Online meeting

Fleet Electrification Coalition meeting

Week 2 October (tbc)- Online meeting

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Interested in the FEC?

If you are interested in joining the Fleet Electrification Coalition or want to know more about events and webinars we are hosting, contact Ruben van Doorn at


If you are interested in signing up to receive all communications related to FEC, contact iulia Manole at


Fleet Electrification Coalition Publications

Results of first Demand Aggregation survey

This report outlines key points and takeaways headlined by an electric truck volume outlook of 10.000 by 2026 to over 60.000 by 2030. Furthermore, we outline hotspots of deployment in the states of California, Illinois, and Texas with desired corridors stretching from coast to coast. In Europe, our members are ready to deploy e-MHDVs in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. As in the United States, we see great potential for electrification corridors across the EU’s TEN-T network. Supplemental information includes an overview of respondent profiles, their progress on electrification and more.

Financing the transition to electric trucks paper

In March 2023, a pivotal framing paper was released to initiate a dialogue on financing the transition to electric trucks, in partnership with CALSTART and the Government of The Netherlands. This document serves as a strategic roadmap to navigate the challenges and opportunities in transitioning towards electric transportation solutions.

Second Life of E-Truck Batteries for Sustainable Logistics

The EU's road freight sector is rapidly adopting electric trucks, with heavy-duty vehicle sales tripling. This study, a collaboration between Smart Freight Centre and Cenex Nederland, explores the significant potential of EoFL (End of First Life) batteries from electric trucks. It highlights the potential of reuse and the repurposing of e-truck batteries after their first life, focusing on market demand, benefits, and challenges of second life batteries (SLB). It also addresses regulatory considerations and offers practical recommendations for policymakers and the logistics sector to support a sustainable SLB ecosystem.

Fleet Electrification Coalition News

FEC Demand Aggregation

Leading global companies unite to propel electric truck adoption in the United States and Europe and signal demand for 60,000 electric heavy duty trucks by 2030.

At Climate Week NYC 2023, the Fleet Electrification Coalition (FEC) was launched by Smart Freight Centre and CALSTART. This launch was underpinned by the announcement of the signalling for demand for more than 60,000 battery-electric heavy-duty trucks in the United States and Europe by 2030. In an effort to accelerate the deployment of electric trucks and facilitate the deployment of essential charging infrastructure, Smart Freight Centre’s Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance and CALSTART have kickstarted the Fleet Electrification Coalition. The members of the coalition have agreed to work together to establish favorable market conditions for the deployment of battery-electric heavy-duty trucks.

Pinpointing optimal locations for electric charging stations for heavy goods vehicles

Developing public charging infrastructure for e-trucks will be essential for large-scale adoption of e-trucks. To date, available charging infrastructure for e-trucks is negligible, making fleet owners reluctant to accept this important low-carbon solution. Effective and efficient rollout of charging infrastructure will depend on bottom-up input from (potential users), ensuring that charging stations are installed in locations that make the most sense for fleet owners.

In order to create an industry-sourced overview of charging infrastructure , SFBA will build on the CHALET tool developed and made available to the market by Amazon. CHALET is an open-source tool designed to assist multiple stakeholders in pinpointing optimal locations for electric charging stations for heavy goods vehicles across Europe. Smart Freight Centre’s SFBA will be the first to adopt the tool by calling its stakeholders to contribute.


Learn more about the Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance

Uniting corporate freight buyers to shift towards zero-emissions freight across all modes of transport in collaboration with their supply chains and partners.

Learn more about SFBA